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- 15:30
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With its amazing profile, the helmet has already gained popularity with the Chief of Police in Coral Gables in the US state of Florida, who wants to test it in the field and look for its potential for positioning of tactical response as well. The helmet is designed to take care of emergency response times in emergencies to save lives.
What inspired him to make this design was the hard work of the officers that went through a lot of stress wearing the usual helmets. They wanted better ways to deal with emergency situations and connect back to the control rooms. In order to celebrate ingenuity, creativity and sustainable engineering, Forcite is in the running for the James Dyson Award. It is on display at the Red Dot Design Museum in Singapore as part of the Red Dot Design Awards being in the top 30 out of 300,000 entries; it was also presented at UNSW’s LuminoCITY design exhibition in November. According to Mr Boyadgis,”It’s probably about a year off from being an actual, viable prototype”. It is estimated to cost around $790 and commercializing it will cost around $1.5 million.
The Chief of Police in Coral Gables, Dennis Weiner, told Fairfax Media that he was interested in field testing the helmet and said, “As designed, this helmet offers significant additional capabilities to the motor officer. Besides improved radio communications delivery, it also provides for two-way flow of data between the communications centre and the officer.” Mr Weiner added that the improved field of vision will be able to help with the comfort issues experienced by officers wearing such helmets.
sorce : http://wonderfulengineering.com
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